Martin Spitzlei is a photographer and director based in Berlin. He creates content productions for brands and personalities worldwide.
In 2017, his short film “Diesmal nicht” won the “Best Idea” category at the 99 Fire-Films-Award, the world’s largest short film competition held in Berlin.
Four years ago, he founded his production company vimo.studio, which is specialized in producing content and telling visual stories for brands and companies.
In addition to his work as a filmmaker, he pursues his passion for street and reportage photography. On his website, he showcases his personal passion projects and shares his love for the art of visual storytelling with his audience.
Mercedes Benz, Universal Music, Siemens, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Vybebrothers Entertainment, Deutsche Post, Alvarez & Marsal, Inside Wirtschaft, DZNE, Medical Valley
Martin T. Spitzlei / info@martinspitzlei.de / imprint